
Works on the Spirit: Athanasius’s Letters to Serapion on the Holy Spirit, and, Didymus’s on the Holy Spirit is unavailable, but you can change that!

In the second half of the fourth century the mystery of the Holy Spirit was the subject of fierce debate. Those who fought against the Nicene Creed opposed the idea that the Spirit was God. Even some of those willing to accept the equality of the Father and the Son saw the Spirit as more angelic than divine. The first great testament to the Spirit’s divinity—showing how the Spirit creates and...

case of God the Father: “If anyone does not have the Spirit of God, he does not belong to God.” Again, one may assume the contrary of this, saying: “If anyone belongs to God, then the Spirit of God is in him.”145 This is why it is written: Do you not know that you are a temple of God and that in you dwells the Spirit of God? [1 Cor 3:16]. And in the epistle of John: By this it is recognized that God dwells in certain persons, when the Spirit whom he gave remains in them [1 Jn 3:24; 4:13]. 191.
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